Mt Mable Angus - Stock for Sale - Annual Bull sale 2020 Sale Catalogue

2020’s 2 year old Mt Mable Angus bull sale has cemented our reputation for quality and highly sought after bulls – in a year which can only be described as dreadful for many farming families, with the doubly whammy of severe drought and Covid 19, the astute, established and experienced farming buyers of Mt Mable bulls turned up in force on the 8th of June and rewarded us for the last three years of effort – that is, from mating planning, calving and growing out this year’s sale bulls. Full clearances have been hard to achieve for many studs around the country, however all 41 bulls put up for auction on the 8th June sold under the hammer with an average of $10,439 and a top commercial price of $17,500. A stud bull, Lot 12, was sold to Cricklewood Angus for $14,000. Cricklewood Angus have enjoyed having the Mt Mable Thor 660 sired Rangatira 13-38 ($100,000 2015 sale bull) and another Rangatira bred Thor son bought in 2017 breeding well for them. The Friel family takes this opportunity to thank all buyers, underbidders, Agents and Stock firms who contributed to our exciting day. Special thanks to auctioneer Cam Heggie from PGG Wrightson and all our wonderful yard and kitchen helpers.

Below are a selection of the 41 bulls in the 2020 sale - and their sale results
click on bull photos below to enlarge
and the Herd Book No to view pedigree details
Lot 1 - Mt Mable 1806
Top price of $17,500 to a repeat client from Raetihi.
Lot 2 - Mt Mable 1826
$13,500 to repeat second generation buyer from Tokirima
Lot 5 - Mt Mable 1818
$12,000 to a new East Coast station buyer.
Lot 6 - Mt Mable 1817
$14,000 to a repeat East Coast station buyer.
Lot 14 - Mt Mable 1827
Lot 18 - Mt Mable 1820
$10,000 to a repeat East Coast Station buyer
Lot 45 - Mt Mable 'For Real' 1808
$9,500 to a repeat Northland buyer.
Like what you seethen as this is a selection of the 41 bulls catalogued this year - if you would like to receive a printed catalogue complete the online order form and send - hereAnnual Sale InformationA sale of rising two year old bulls is held annually at Pukerimu Station. This is usually the first Monday following the New Zealand Queens Birthday weekend in June. Mt Mable has had an annual sale on the property since 1986. Prior to this Mt Mable bulls were sold at a combined sale in Taumarunui. There have also been a number of bulls sold at the National Show and Sale – more latterly known as Beef Expo. The most notable of these was an Atahua Legacy son sold to Pine Park and Dandaloo studs in 1995 and a Kaharau Mast 189 son sold in 2010 to Turihaua Angus.INSPECTIONInspection of Mt Mable cattle is invited and welcomed. Anyone wishing to visit would need to call first as it is not often that we are not out on the property for much of the day. A quick phone call will also see you put on our mailing list for a catalogue and there will be an online catalogue on the web site from the middle of May of each year.BULL DELIVERYMt Mable bulls are delivered free of charge within the North Island and travel as far as Kaikohe to their new homes. Bulls will be delivered at the Vendor’s earliest convenience.