Another good day at the office for Mt Mable

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Another good day at the office for Mt Mable

Mt Mable Angus
Published by Megan Friel in Yearling Bull Sales · Monday 20 Sep 2021
Another good day at the office for Mt Mable at the 4th Annual Yearling Sale - 20 September 2021

Mt Mable Angus had another good  day in the office despite the nasty weather and the tricky, crowd devoid, covid 19 reality for our 4th Annual yearling bull sale.  

In the end 27 yearling bulls  were offered, with three two year old carry through bulls, following them  through the sale rostrum.

26 of the yearling bulls sold with a top price of $7,000 for a stylish young bull, Mt Mable 2073, bound for Northland, to be  shared by a commercial buyer, and a fledgling registered stud, founded on Mt  Mable heifers.  The average price for the yearling bulls was $4,262.  

All three, two year old bulls offered, sold to a large Tolaga Bay station entity for an average price of $4,466.

Four bulls were sold on the Bidr platform which added  to the days excitement.

We thank all buyers, underbidders, agents from all  companies and of course Carrfields auctioneer Rhys Dackers. Also huge thanks to our team of yard  helpers and our girls.  

We are very satisfied with the quality of the bulls, the number sold and the prices received.

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