The Mt. Mable Angus pedigree herd run by Kevin and Megan Friel can now be found on their 650 acre farm south of Dannevirke but the cattle earned their stripes on the original steep, wet King Country family hill farm for over 40 years.
Mount Mable's second yearling bull sale was held at the complex on Jackson Road on Monday, September 23. While the crowd was not as large as the annual 2-year-old bull sale every June, the bidding was spirited.
There is a new kid on the block in the form of another genetic defect being identified - this one has been christened Developmental Duplication .... henceforth known as DD.
Buying a large farm before selling your two existing farms is not something many would consider. But when Mount Mable Angus stud owners Kevin and Megan Friel saw the property they had fallen in love with come on the market again, they didn't hesitate.