Lockdown requirements may alter format of upcoming bull sale
Published by Business Rural North in News Publication Articles · Wednesday 17 Jun 2020
The Mt. Mable Angus pedigree herd run by Kevin and Megan Friel can now be found on their 650 acre farm south of Dannevirke but the cattle earned their stripes on the original steep, wet King Country family hill farm for over 40 years.
In between times they spent eight years on Pukerimu Station in Norsewood before a health scare brought with it the decision to downsize, as Megan explains.
“It gave us both a bit of a shock that we were reliant on both of us working at full noise and we were a little bit tired of working all the time so we sold 2200 acres and all the sheep including 3000 breeding ewes and bought what was then a very run down dairy farm here in Kumeroa.”