Mt Mable Heifer Sales - March 2022

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Mt Mable Heifer Sales - March 2022

Mt Mable Angus
Published by Megan Friel in Heifer Sales · Friday 25 Mar 2022
Well now the yearling bull sale is over and calving at home is nearly over it is time to reflect on other events.  Received a lovely report from Sam Mann from newly formed Glengyle Angus on one of the heifers that they bought on our online only sale in March.

Sam reports that "618 has calved a lovely little bull this afternoon (yesterday).  Such great mums.  Had it cleaned up in 10 minutes and  already having it's first drink.  Great day to be born".

Mt Mable Black Beauty 618 is a Mt Mable Intrigue 1790 daughter out of a Reality 839 daughter from the Black Beauty line which, like the also highly productive and valued Gem and Dazzle cow lines and herd sire Mt Mable Max 327, all stem from a powerhouse GT Max cow Mt Mable 815 who was in the herd until she was 14 and appears now in multiple pedigrees.

Heifers scanned in calf and foetal aged will be available again in March 2023.  Feedback from several buyers of the heifers has them calving within the 5 day window predicted by our very capable vets from #vetservicesdannevirke

More lovely photos of Mt Mable Heifers sold in March with their calves.  Jacob Ladd of newly formed Finnis Farm Angus in the Taranaki reports of his girls, seen here enjoying the sun (we have almost forgotten what a sunny day looks like here) ...."Just letting you know that all 5 heifers we purchased off you calved easily and are being great mums.  

Eagle (609) is doing great with her twins" (the catalogue noted that this heifer was carrying twins as seen by our amazing vets #vetservicesdannevirke)

Thanks so much for the feedback Jacob - there will be more stud replacement, scanned in calf and foetal aged Mt Mable Heifers available for sale again in March 2023.

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